
Τρίτη 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2013


Thesaurus-Synonyms    LONG

'long' adjective
1 lasting for a considerable time: a long holiday.* μακροχρόνιος, παρατεταμένος

[extended] lasting for a longer time than usual: I’m taking an extended break from work. * παρατεταμένος, εκτεταμένος

[interminable] lasting so long that it seems it will never end and becomes boring: an interminable rant about the government.
* ατέρμων, ατελεύτητος, που μοιάζει ατέλειωτος

[lengthy] lasting for a long time, often an inconveniently long time: a lengthy wait at the bus stop. * σχοινοτενής, εκτενής, μακροσκελής, συνήθως για ασύμφορα μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα

[lingering] which does not finish quickly but continues slowly for a long time: a long lingering death. * παρατεταμένος, που χρονίζει

[prolonged] lasting longer than planned or expected: a prolonged visit. * παρατεταμένος χρονικά, πέραν του σχεδιασμού

[protracted] proceeding slowly and taking a long time, often an inconveniently long time: protracted negotiations. * που προχωράει αργά και διαρκεί άβολα μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα

[sustained] made to continue for a long time: a sustained silence. * (για ενέργειες, καταστάσεις κτλ.) που παρατείνεται σε διάρκεια, που συνεχίζει για πολύ χρόνο, έμμονος

[time-consuming] which takes up a lot of your time: Washing clothes by hand is very time-consuming. * χρονοβόρος

2 extending for a considerable distance, or for a specified distance: It’s a long way from here to London. * μεγάλου μήκους, μακρύς

[extensive] extending for a considerable distance and over a wide area: a house with extensive grounds. * μεγάλης έκτασης, εκτεταμένος, ευρύς, πλατύς

[in length] extending for the specified distance: three metres in length. * που εκτείνεται σε συγκεκριμένο μήκος ή μάκρος

[lengthy] (more often used to describe objects than distances) quite long: You’ll need a lengthy piece of rope to reach to the bottom of the well. * (για αντικείμενα) μακρός, μακρύς


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