
Παρασκευή 8 Μαρτίου 2013


1. The older I get the more I learn.    - always learn in life.
2. Everything comes to him who waits.   - be patient to succeed.
3. All that glitters is not gold.       - appearance can deceive.
4. No rose without a thorn.             - nothing can be only good.
5. Honesty is the best policy.          - being honest is the best.
6. A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder.- If you are innocent, don’t be
afraid of anything.
7. There is no place like home.         - our home is the best place.
8. It is never too late.                - start something at any age.
9. Riches are not for ever.             - run out of money.
10. One swallow does not make a spring. - to succeed once is not enough.

1. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
- you’d better finish the job alone.
2. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
-  It’s tiring to work all the time.
3. A good beginning is half the battle.
-  a good start is very important.
4. One bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
- You’d better get something(while you can) than wait for more.
5. Strike while the iron is hot.  - take action on time.
6. Necessity is the mother of invention.
-  people in need always find a way out.
7. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
- a good friend helps his friend in need.
8. The early bird gets the worm.   - always be on time.
9. Today a man tomorrow a mouse.
- If you aren’t careful, you lose everything.
10. To kill two birds with one stone.
- get a double success with one effort.

Proverbs & idioms.
1. Be sure brain is engaged before putting mouth in gear.
-  think before talking.
2. Out of sight out of mind.
-  you forget people you don’t see often.
3. Barking dogs seldom bite.      - people who shout are not bad.
4. Moderation in all things.      - not to overdo something.
5. Time waits for no man.         - time always goes on.
6. Still waters run deep.
- hidden feelings.(introvert people)
7. Never fish in troubled waters.
- never do something you are not sure it’s safe.
8. He laughs best who laughs last.
-  The important thing is finally to succeed.
9. God helps those who help themselves.
-  Always try to help yourself.
10. There is no smoke without fire.
- when people say something about someone, they know something.

 Proverbs & Idioms
1. When the cat is away the mice will play.
-When the boss is away the workers will play
2. No bees no honey, no work no money.
-  without work, you don’t get any money.
3. Rome was not built in a day. - can’t do everything at once.
4. Love is blind.               - when in love, one can’t judge well.
5. Great minds think alike.     - clever people understand each other.
6. Fortune favours the brave.   - luck is with the bold.
7. Courtesy costs nothing.      - being polite doesn’t cost.
8. Beauty is but skin-deep.     - can’t judge people only by appearance.
9. A little is better than none.- better get little than nothing.
10. Actions speak louder than words.
- you’d better do things, rather than talk.

 Proverbs & idioms
1. After a storm comes a calm. - peace comes after a fight.
2. It's no use crying over spilt milk.
-  It’s not worth worrying, if you can’t do anything about it.
3. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. - revenge.
4. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
-  It’s not easy to change someone’s habits.
5. First impressions are most lasting.
-  a good start is very important.
6. What's done cannot be undone.
- It’s useless worrying about something which nothing can be done.
7. Every cloud has a silver lining.- There is no good without evil.
8. Iτ is not the coat that makes the man.
- can’t judge someone by his uniform.
9. Tomorrow is another day. - every day is a new day.
10. Never say never again.  - always be careful.

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