
Τετάρτη 24 Απριλίου 2013

Universal Declaration of Human Rights Adopted and proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948

 Some simplified examples of human rights 
 A. The right to belong to a country.
 B. The right to take part in politics. 
 C. The right to go to school.
 D. The right to live in freedom and safety.
 E. The right to a private life.
 F. The right to have opinions, to speak them and to share them with other people.
 G. The right to be treated equally by the law. 
 H. The right to follow the religion you want to.
 I. No-one has the right to treat you as his or her slave.
 J. The right to get married and have a family. 
 K. The right to move around in your own country, to leave and return to that country if you want to. L. The right to work. 
 M. Your rights must be unaffected by your race, colour, sex, language, religion, opinions, what you own, where you are from, where you were born or where you live.
 N. The right be respected and respect others.
 O. If someone hurts you, you have the right to go to another country for protection (seek asylum).
 P. The right to be considered innocent until proved guilty, if you are accused of a crime, 
 Q. Nobody has the right to punish you or put you in prison without a good reason.
 R. Nobody has the right to take your things from you without a good reason.
 S. Nobody has the right to torture you. 
T. No-one has the right to take away your rights.(CBBC)


IN SIMPLE ENGLISH: http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights


THE UNITED NATIONS WEBSITE: http://www.un.org/en/rights/index.shtml


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