
Τετάρτη 3 Απριλίου 2013


Thesaurus-Synonyms- PUZZLE

'puzzle' verb to make it difficult for someone to find an answer, explanation, or solution for something even though they are thinking hard about it: What puzzles me is why she waited such a long time before she called an ambulance. * προκαλώ απορία, μπερδεύω: σπαζοκεφαλιάζω, προβληματίζω

[baffle] to leave someone completely unable to understand, explain, or solve something: The police admit that they are baffled by this apparently motiveless crime. * περιάγω σε απορία ή αμηχανία, κν. «στριμώχνω»

[bewilder] to make someone feel confused and helpless: The speed at which technology is advances bewilders many people.
* προκαλώ σάστισμα, «μπερδεύω», κν. «μπουρδουκλώνω»

[confuse] to make someone unable to understand clearly what is happening or what is being said or to distinguish clearly between different things: You’re confusing me – is it the brown wire or the blue wire that goes on this terminal? * προκαλώ σύγχυση, μπερδεύω, συγχέω, κν. «μπλέκω»

[disconcert] (often used in the passive) to surprise someone and make it difficult for them to react to what has happened in a controlled way: I was rather disconcerted when she announced that she was leaving right away. * φέρνω σε δύσκολη θέση: (κατα)ταράζω, καταθορυβώ, «αποσυντονίζω»

[faze] (informal) (often used in the passive) to disconcert someone: He had to face some very hostile questioning, but showed no sign of being fazed by it. * ιδ. συγχύζω, ταράζω: αποπροσανατολίζω

[mystify] (often used in the passive) to baffle someone: The whole town is mystified by the sudden disappearance of one of its most prominent citizens. * προκαλώ απορία ή σάστισμα

[perplex] (often used in the passive) to make someone feel anxious or worried because they cannot understand, explain, or solve something: The problem that perplexes me most is how we’re going to survive financially when Jane has to give up her job.
* εμπνέω απορία, κν. «μπερδεύω», «σαστίζω»


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