Thesaurus-Synonyms-- STRANGE
'strange' adjective not as you would usually expect, or not of a
kind that you know about or easily recognize, and so causing you to feel
surprise, wonder, or sometimes fear: He says he heard strange noises in
the night. * άγνωστος: παράδοξος, αλλόκοτος, παράξενος, που δύναται να
προκαλεί έκπληξη, απορία ή και φόβο
[bizarre] startlingly
strange, very unlike what is normal and often grotesque: Her behaviour
was so bizarre that I began to think she might need psychiatric help. *
αλλόκοτος, παράξενος, παράδοξος,
σε βαθμό γκροτέσκο
[curious] unusual enough to arouse your interest or make you think: It’s curious that he’s never mentioned her before.
* παράξενος, περίεργος, αλλόκοτος, που προξενεί ενδιαφέρον ή περίσκεψη
[odd] curious or strange, sometimes amusingly strange: Does it make me look odd if I wear a red jacket and a yellow waistcoat?
* παράξενος, παράδοξος: διασκεδαστικά ιδιόρρυθμος, εκκεντρικός
[outlandish] strange and ridiculous, often through being exaggerated in
some way: He made some outlandish claim about being related to the
royal family. * εξωτικός, αλλόκοτος, ανοίκειος, καινοφανής, σε βαθμό
[peculiar] strange or curious: There was a peculiar
smell coming from the kitchen. * ασυνήθης, παράξενος, παράδοξος:
ιδιόμορφος, χαρακτηριστικός
[queer]* strange in a way that is
often worrying or unpleasant: I had a queer feeling that someone was
watching me. * (δυσάρεστα ή ανησυχητικά) αλλόκοτος, παράδοξος,
παράξενος, «περίεργος»
*Be careful about using queer to describe people, as it is also sometimes used informally to mean homosexual.
[surreal] very strange and of the kind that you might see in a dream or
nightmare: surreal images. * υπερρεαλιστικός, σουρεαλιστικός
[weird] very strange, usually in a rather frightening way and often in a
way that suggests the supernatural: Don’t you think it’s weird that he
went for a walk in the woods one day and just disappeared. * αφύσικος,
αλλόκοτος, απόκοσμος: ανατριχιαστικός, φρικαλέος
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