
Σάββατο 4 Μαΐου 2013


Thesaurus-Synonyms-       SUBJECT

'subject' noun a thing or matter that someone talks or writes about, or that a student studies at school or university: I’m giving a short talk on the subject of organic farming. * αντικείμενο ενδιαφέροντος, εξέτασης, σπουδών κτλ., θέμα, προκείμενο, περιεχόμενο έρευνας, μελέτης κτλ.

[argument] a series of linked ideas or statements that express someone’s point of view on a subject: You can delete that paragraph, because it’s irrelevant to your main argument.
* επιχειρηματολογία, αντιπαράθεση επιχειρημάτων, «συζήτηση»

[issue] a particular matter that people discuss, or argue or think about: Reform of the education system is going to be one of the main issues in the election campaign. * επίμαχο ή προκείμενο θέμα,

[matter] something that someone talks about, writes about, or has to deal with: May I discuss a personal matter with you? * ζήτημα, «θέμα», «πράγμα», «υπόθεση»

[point] a particular idea that someone is trying to communicate, or an idea that forms part of an argument: He seems to talk endlessly around the subject without ever getting to the point. * άποψη, σκοπιά, «θέση», «νόημα», «μήνυμα» (ουσιώδες) σημείο

[question] an issue, or a topic in the form of a grammatical question: We were discussing the question of women’s rights.
* προκείμενο, θέμα, υπόθεση, πρόβλημα

[subject matter] the information or material that is communicated in a book, a lecture, etc.: Do you think this is suitable subject matter for an article in the local newspaper? * θέμα, αντικείμενο (συζήτησης κτλ.)

[theme] a main subject that is dealt with in a long work or in a series of separate discussions, etc., and unifies the whole: I have chosen Repentance as the theme for a series of sermons I shall be
giving during Lent. * «αντικείμενο», μοτίβο που διέπει και ενοποιεί μια σειρά ή αλληλουχία συζητήσεων

[thesis] an argument, especially a long argument on an academic subject written to qualify for a doctor’s degree at a university: I wrote my thesis on Napoleon’s contribution to the French legal system. * «θέση», (θεωρητική) άποψη, (επιστημονικό) μελέτημα, διατριβή

[topic] a thing or matter that someone talks or writes about, usually smaller in scope than a subject or covering a particular aspect of a subject: We finished discussing the state of the club’s finances and moved on to another topic.* αντικείμενο, θέμα συνήθως πιο εξειδικευμένο και εστιασμένο


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