
Σάββατο 14 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Agreeing and disagreeing

Agreeing and disagreeing

Agreeing and disagreeing

Agreeing with someone
- Yes, I think so.
- Absolutely.
- Exactly.
- Definitely
- I think the same as you do.
- That’s just what I think.
- That’s it!
- That’s just it!
- How true!
- That’s right!
- She’s absolutely right!
- That’s correct!
- I can side with you on that.
- I agree with you.
- I quite agree more!
- I’m with you there!
- I’m entirely of your opinion.
- I certainly go along with that!
- I take a similar view.
- Yeah! Tell me about it!

Disagreeing with someone
- No, I don’t think so.
- No, I’m not sure about talking to your mother about my graduation.
- I’m afraid it isn’t right.
- You have a point here, but that’s not always true!
- I don’t think much of the idea.
- I don’t think that’s a good idea.
- I’m not altogether with you on throwing a party here.
- This is something bad, I don’t agree with you.
- I don’t quite agree with you on this point.
- I’m sorry to disagree with you on that.
- I’m afraid to disagree with you on that.
- This is something I can never agree with.
- Sorry but I think you’re wrong.
- I don’t share your views on the subject.
- I can’t share your point of view.
- I don’t see it that way.
- I don’t see the problem in quite the same light as you do.
- It doesn’t seem to be the right approach.
- I differ on the whole thing, a lot of things are not the same anymore and the coast is becoming higher every year.
- I must object to your remark.
- There’s one point on which I disagree with you.
- We’ll have to agree to differ.
- I couldn’t agree less!
- I totally disagree!
- You’ve got it all wrong!
- I’m dead against it!
- It’s out of the question for me to agree with you on this point!
- You’re mistaken!


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