
Πέμπτη 21 Νοεμβρίου 2013


Thesaurus-Synonyms-    PURPOSE

'purpose' noun the use to which something can be put, or something that you wish to achieve by doing something: The purpose of this meeting is to discuss arrangements for the firm’s Christmas party. * αντικειμενική επιδίωξη, σκοπός, πρακτική χρησιμότητα, «αποτέλεσμα»

[aim] what someone wishes to achieve or something is intended to achieve: a statement setting out the aims of the organization.
* σκοπός, επιδίωξη, βλέψη, στόχος

[function] the use for which something is made: A screwdriver won’t make holes in wood; that’s not its function. * λειτουργία

[goal] an aim: One of my goals in life is to become a millionaire before I’m forty. * σκοπός, επιδίωξη

[intention] something that you decide you are going to do, or the purpose or aim of something: I have no intention of resigning.
* πρόθεση, προαίρεση: σκοπός, επιδίωξη

[object] an aim: The object of the exercise to find out what sort of advertising is most likely to bring in new customers.
* αντικειμενικός σκοπός, επιδίωξη

[objective] a place or point that you are trying to reach, for example, when you are on a journey or when you are working on something, or an aim, especially one that is part of a bigger process: My first objective was to persuade my colleagues that my plan would benefit them as much as it would benefit me.
* επιδίωξη, σημείο άφιξης ως ενδιάμεσος σταθμός για την επίτευξη του αντικειμενικού στόχου

[point] the purpose of an action or of something you say: There’s no point in applying if there are no vacancies. * (πρακτικός) σκοπός επιδίωξης, σκοπιμότητα, «αξία», «ωφέλεια»


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