
Τετάρτη 19 Μαρτίου 2014


Are you feeling blue?

Thank goodness we’ve survived Blue Monday: this is the day that experts have called the most depressing day of the year. This year it was 20 January. Apparently, this is when most of us are totally fed up with winter, Christmas seems like a distant memory and spring still seems far away. Most of us don’t have much money because we’ve spent too much, and we’ve even got fatter because we eat for comfort! 
Still, sometimes, out of the blue something nice happens, like the invitation I had to my friend Sally’s wedding. I was surprised that she had finally decided to marry the man she’d been seeing for a long time because she’s a real blue-blooded aristocrat from a wealthy family, while he’s a blue-collar worker. Sally told me that her father had tried to persuade her to change her mind. “He’s such a snob,” she complained. “But he can talk till he’s blue in the face: it’s my life and my decision.”
Anyway, the wedding was great fun. I was particularly pleased to visit my friend, because she lives quite far away and we only get to see each other once in a blue moon. The only problem was that we went riding, and since I haven’t been on a horse for a while I fell off twice! By the time I got back to Cambridge I was black and blue!  
Well, that’s enough from me: I’m going to stay in the warm and listen to my favourite kind of music: the blues, of course!
  • To feel blue: to be depressed or sad    
  • Out of the blue: unexpectedly, without warning  
  • Blue-blooded: of noble or aristocratic birth  
  • Blue-collar worker: a person who does a manual job, such as a car mechanic  
  • To talk till you’re blue in the face: to argue with someone, to try to persuade someone to do something, until you’re exhausted   
  • Once in a blue moon: happening very rarely, infrequently
  • To be black and blue: to be covered in bruises  
  • Blues: a type of music associated with Black American singers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century     
  • FROM: https://www.bellenglish.com/EnglishBlog/2014-02-07/Are-you-feeling-blue/

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