
Τρίτη 11 Μαρτίου 2014

How to Write a Biography



 Biography Sample Paper

Biographer’s Notebook
If you want to write a story about someone, a story called a biography, you must beginby getting to know that person. The best way to do that is by interviewing them. Beloware a list of questions you might ask. You can also create your own questions and writethem on a separate sheet of paper.
Tip:Read the page called Interviewing Tips before you begin 

1. Where were you born? What did your home look like?
2. What are your parents’ names? Describe your parents.
3. Do you have siblings? What are their names? Describe  them.
4. What was life like when you were a child? What was it like
when you were a young adult?
5. What are your favorite memories of childhood?
6. What did you want to be when you grew up? Did you do that?
7. Did you go to school? Where? How far? In what area?
8. Did/do you work? Where? What do you do?
9. Are you married? To whom? Do you have children? Ages?
Names? Describe them.
10. What signifi cant events happened in your life? How did  thosechange or shape you?
11. Who are/were the most important people in your life? What isyour relationship like?
12. Who do you admire and why? How did that person infl uence or inspire you?
13. Where have you traveled and why did you pick those places?
What was it like?
14. Are there things in your life you wish you had done differently?
15. What do you still want to do during the rest of your life?
16. What other things should someone know about you?

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