
Τρίτη 4 Μαρτίου 2014

Pancake Day in the UK

 rolled pancake

Shrove Tuesday
- also known as Pancake Day
- is the day before Ash Wednesday, the
first day of Lent. It is celebrated throughout the UK by the cooking and
eating of pancakes - a last feast before the fasting and self-denial of
Lent. In some places pancake races are held, where participants run
along tossing a pancake as they go.

Another name for Shrove Tuesday
is Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras, so called because of the tradition of
eating rich food before fasting for Lent. The famous New Orleans Mardi
Gras is celebrated on this day.

Above is the date for Pancake Day 2014. You can share this with others by using one of the social buttons provided. Choose from Facebook, Twitter or even Google+.

More About Pancake Day

More About Pancake Day
Pancake Day is traditionally known as Shrove Tuesday
and is historically a religious occasion relating to the Christian
feast of Easter. In the UK and other countries across the world it has
become commonly known as ‘Pancake Day’ as it is a day when families
observe the tradition of cooking and eating pancakes, made from
ingredients which were often given up during the fasting period of Lent
in the run up to Easter.

Shrove Tuesday is also known by other names around the world, including ‘Fat Tuesday’ and ‘Mardi Gras’.

Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday,
is the last day before the start of Lent, which begins with Ash
Wednesday and is an important time in the Christian calendar as it
prepares worshippers for Easter, when the crucifixion and resurrection
of Jesus Christ is celebrated. Lent lasts for around six weeks and is
said to represent the 40 days and 40 nights that Jesus fasted in the
desert. During Lent, it is traditional for Christians to fast or to give
up certain items, often sweets or indulgent foodstuffs.

The preparation of pancakes represents ridding the house of some of
these luxury foods such as sugar, eggs and fats which go into making the
pancakes and is seen as the last chance to indulge before Lent.

While Pancake Day always falls on Tuesday,
the date itself is not fixed as it is tied to the date of Easter, a
moveable feast which is determined by a variety of factors including the
cycles of the moon and the Spring Equinox.

Pancake Day History Lesson

Pancake Day History Lesson
Pancake Day is now celebrated by non-Christians and non-religious
families throughout the UK, with many households enjoying making and
eating pancakes. It is not a bank holiday in the country but is still widely observed with pancakes and various other local traditions.

Its history is strongly linked to the Christian calendar as it
signals the last day before the period of Lent. The traditional name of
Shrove Tuesday
dates back to the Middle Ages when Christians used to confess their
sins before the start of Lent, with ‘shrove’ having come from an old
word for confession, ‘shrive’.

In more recent times it has become affectionately known as ‘Pancake
Day’ because this became a common food to indulge in before fasting
starting. Rich foods which were seen as forbidden during the Lenten
period of abstinence such as butter, eggs and sugar go into a batter
which is fried to make the thin pancakes.

Other traditions dating
back as far as the 15th century have also emerged, including pancake
races in which competitors race to the finish line while flipping their
pancakes in a frying pan, a tradition believed to have come from the
Buckinghamshire town of Olney where a woman back in 1445 is said to have
run to church still carrying her frying pan when she heard the bells
signalling the 11am service.

- See more at: http://www.followuk.co.uk/pancake-day#sthash.fIuI1Ezu.dpuf
 In 2014 Pancake Day is on Tuesday 4th March

 Pancake Race, London, UK

What is Pancake Day?

Above is the date for Pancake Day 2014. You can share this with others by using one of the social buttons provided. Choose from Facebook, Twitter or even Google+.

More About Pancake Day

More About Pancake Day
Pancake Day is traditionally known as Shrove Tuesday
and is historically a religious occasion relating to the Christian
feast of Easter. In the UK and other countries across the world it has
become commonly known as ‘Pancake Day’ as it is a day when families
observe the tradition of cooking and eating pancakes, made from
ingredients which were often given up during the fasting period of Lent
in the run up to Easter.

Shrove Tuesday is also known by other names around the world, including ‘Fat Tuesday’ and ‘Mardi Gras’.

Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday,
is the last day before the start of Lent, which begins with Ash
Wednesday and is an important time in the Christian calendar as it
prepares worshippers for Easter, when the crucifixion and resurrection
of Jesus Christ is celebrated. Lent lasts for around six weeks and is
said to represent the 40 days and 40 nights that Jesus fasted in the
desert. During Lent, it is traditional for Christians to fast or to give
up certain items, often sweets or indulgent foodstuffs.

The preparation of pancakes represents ridding the house of some of
these luxury foods such as sugar, eggs and fats which go into making the
pancakes and is seen as the last chance to indulge before Lent.

While Pancake Day always falls on Tuesday,
the date itself is not fixed as it is tied to the date of Easter, a
moveable feast which is determined by a variety of factors including the
cycles of the moon and the Spring Equinox.

Pancake Day History Lesson

Pancake Day History Lesson
Pancake Day is now celebrated by non-Christians and non-religious
families throughout the UK, with many households enjoying making and
eating pancakes. It is not a bank holiday in the country but is still widely observed with pancakes and various other local traditions.

Its history is strongly linked to the Christian calendar as it
signals the last day before the period of Lent. The traditional name of
Shrove Tuesday
dates back to the Middle Ages when Christians used to confess their
sins before the start of Lent, with ‘shrove’ having come from an old
word for confession, ‘shrive’.

In more recent times it has become affectionately known as ‘Pancake
Day’ because this became a common food to indulge in before fasting
starting. Rich foods which were seen as forbidden during the Lenten
period of abstinence such as butter, eggs and sugar go into a batter
which is fried to make the thin pancakes.

Other traditions dating
back as far as the 15th century have also emerged, including pancake
races in which competitors race to the finish line while flipping their
pancakes in a frying pan, a tradition believed to have come from the
Buckinghamshire town of Olney where a woman back in 1445 is said to have
run to church still carrying her frying pan when she heard the bells
signalling the 11am service.

- See more at: http://www.followuk.co.uk/pancake-day#sthash.fIuI1Ezu.dpuf

Pancake Day in the UK  

Pancake Customs in the UK and Ireland

‘Shroving’ was a custom in which children sang or recited poetry in exchange for food or money.
‘Lent Crocking’ was one of the many customs of the day when children
would pass from house to house asking for pancakes. If they weren't
given any broken crockery would be thrown at the door!

customs and superstitions included the belief that the first three
pancakes cooked were sacred. Each would be marked with a cross, then
sprinkled with salt to ward off evil spirits, then set aside.

In Ireland, Irish girls were given an afternoon off to make their batter
and the eldest, unmarried girl would toss the first pancake. Success
meant she would be married within the year.

In Scotland, special oatcakes called Bannocks were made using oatmeal,
eggs and salt and cooked on a griddle. A charm would be added to the
dough and if an unmarried person found it, would be married within the

Wales also had their own customs where people would pass from door to
door begging for flour, lard or butter. In some parts of Wales children
would kick tin cans up and down the streets, believed to be commemorate
the putting away the pots and pans for Lent.

Around the World

In other parts of the world, Shrove Tuesday
is celebrated differently In New Orleans it's celebrated with the
Mardi Gras carnival, and in Rio de Janeiro with the equally raucous

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