
Σάββατο 5 Ιουλίου 2014

English Collocations for Talking About Sports

English Collocations for Talking About Sports | My English Club

The first important collocation
involving sports is when to use the verbs play, do, and go. We
typically use play for team sports – you play soccer, play
basketball, play tennis, play baseball,
and play golf.

The verb do is used for more
individual sports – you do yoga, do gymnastics, do martial arts, and do
. Also, in more general terms, you do exercise. Another
common individual exercise is to lift weights.

The verb go is used with most
activities that end in –ing: you go swimming, go biking, go surfing, go rock
climbing, go bowling,
and go fishing.

With the team sports, we can use the
word game or match: a soccer game, a basketball game, a
tennis match, etc. You can win the game, lose the game, or tie
the game
– that’s when the final score is 1-1 or 2-2, for example.

A team can play a home game
when they play in their own stadium or field – or an away game – when
they play at the opposing team’s stadium or field. When there are many teams
that are playing many games to see which one is the best, we call this a tournament.

When one team is winning in the
middle of the game – for example, 3-1 – we say that team has the lead. However,
the other team can make a comeback – score points from a losing position
– and take the lead, 4-3.

With the sports that use “do” and
“go,” we typically use the word competition – a gymnastics
competition, a martial arts competition, a surfing competition, an ice skating
etc. The exception is sports where you go from one place to
another – like running, biking, and swimming – in that case, we often call the
event a race.

Athletes can enter a competition and
try to win first place. Some athletes try to enhance their
with illegal substances such as steroids. But if they fail a
drug test,
they’ll be disqualified from participating.

If the athlete is performing well, they may achieve
a personal best
– and if they perform better than ANYONE ever has in the
past, then they could even break the world record or set a new world
If they get injured, however, they might have to withdraw from
the competition
(voluntarily leave the competition).

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