Thesaurus-Synonyms - HAPPY
'happy' adjective having a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction, often over a long period, or causing such a feeling: a happy marriage. * ευτυχισμένος, πανευτυχής, χαρισάμενος, που δίνει ευτυχία
[cheerful] happy and lively, with a positive outlook: a cheerful disposition. * πρόσχαρος, χαρωπός: χαρμόσυνος, εύθυμος, κν. αλέγρος
[content] happy and satisfied with your circumstances: Adam is much more content since he gave up his stressful job.
* ικανοποιημένος, ευχαριστημένος
[elated] (usually only used to describe people) intensely happy and exhilarated, especially because of an achievement or an exciting experience: Caroline was elated when she completed her first marathon. * περιχαρής, κατενθουσιασμένος
[exuberant] (usually used to describe people) happy, enthusiastic, and energetic: As he grew older, he found it more difficult to cope with children’s exuberant behaviour. * καταχαρούμενος, κατεχόμενος από ευχάριστη έξαψη, ασυγκράτητη χαρά ή κέφι
[joyful] feeling or causing intense happiness: The wedding was a joyful occasion. * περιχαρής
[merry] (old-fashioned) feeling, showing, or causing cheerfulness or high spirits: merry laughter. * εύθυμος, πρόσχαρος
[satisfied] pleased about the quality or standard of something, or about your circumstances in general: The inspectors were not satisfied with the standard of cleanliness in the hotel.
* ικανοποιημένος, που πληρεί τις ανάγκες ή τις απαιτήσεις του
[smiling] (usually used to describe people) showing happiness or friendliness in your facial expression by smiling: One look at her smiling face told me she had been successful in her job interview. * χαμογελαστός, πρόσχαρος, που αποτυπώνεται στο πρόσωπο με χαμόγελο
'happy' adjective having a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction, often over a long period, or causing such a feeling: a happy marriage. * ευτυχισμένος, πανευτυχής, χαρισάμενος, που δίνει ευτυχία
[cheerful] happy and lively, with a positive outlook: a cheerful disposition. * πρόσχαρος, χαρωπός: χαρμόσυνος, εύθυμος, κν. αλέγρος
[content] happy and satisfied with your circumstances: Adam is much more content since he gave up his stressful job.
* ικανοποιημένος, ευχαριστημένος
[elated] (usually only used to describe people) intensely happy and exhilarated, especially because of an achievement or an exciting experience: Caroline was elated when she completed her first marathon. * περιχαρής, κατενθουσιασμένος
[exuberant] (usually used to describe people) happy, enthusiastic, and energetic: As he grew older, he found it more difficult to cope with children’s exuberant behaviour. * καταχαρούμενος, κατεχόμενος από ευχάριστη έξαψη, ασυγκράτητη χαρά ή κέφι
[joyful] feeling or causing intense happiness: The wedding was a joyful occasion. * περιχαρής
[merry] (old-fashioned) feeling, showing, or causing cheerfulness or high spirits: merry laughter. * εύθυμος, πρόσχαρος
[satisfied] pleased about the quality or standard of something, or about your circumstances in general: The inspectors were not satisfied with the standard of cleanliness in the hotel.
* ικανοποιημένος, που πληρεί τις ανάγκες ή τις απαιτήσεις του
[smiling] (usually used to describe people) showing happiness or friendliness in your facial expression by smiling: One look at her smiling face told me she had been successful in her job interview. * χαμογελαστός, πρόσχαρος, που αποτυπώνεται στο πρόσωπο με χαμόγελο
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