
Παρασκευή 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

Correlated - Discover surprising correlations

cor·re·la·tion       [kawr-uh-ley-shuhn, kor-] noun

1.mutual relation of two or more things, parts, etc.: Studies find a positive correlation between severity of illness and nutritional status of the patients. similarity, correspondence, matching; parallelism, equivalence; interdependence, interrelationship, interconnection.
2.Statistics. the degree to which two or more attributes or measurements on the same group of elements show a tendency to vary together.
3Physiology . the interdependence or reciprocal relations of organs or functions.
4Geology . the demonstrable equivalence, in age or lithology, of two or more stratigraphic units, as formations or members of such.
Now that you know the word check this wacky site about weird correlations :
Correlated - Discover surprising correlations

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