Thesaurus-Synonyms- HEALTHY
'healthy' adjective in a good physical and mental state, with no illnesses: a healthy baby boy. * εύρωστος, υγιής, «γερός»
[better] having returned to good health after an illness: I had flu but I am much better now. * καλύτερης κατάστασης υγείας
[fit] in good physical condition, especially as a result of regular
exercise: I go to aerobics to keep fit. * σε εξαιρετική φυσική κατάσταση
λόγω εκγύμνασης
[hale and hearty] having good health and lots
of energy: My mother is still hale and hearty in her seventies. *
ακμαίος, σφριγηλός, θαλερός, ακμαιότατος, «περδίκι»
[in the
pink] (informal) feeling particularly well: Having lost a stone in
weight, I feel in the pink. * ιδ. σε άριστη κατάσταση
to go] (informal) feeling very healthy and energetic: After a good
night’s sleep, I am raring to go! * που είναι γεμάτος ζωντάνια και
[strong] physically fit and powerful: a strong constitution.
* δυνατός, ισχυρός, ρωμαλέος
[vigorous] strong and energetic: a vigorous dancer. * δυναμικός, σθεναρός, ρωμαλέος
[well] in good health: ‘How are you?’ ‘I’m very well, thank you.’
* που έχει καλή υγεία
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