
Σάββατο 30 Μαρτίου 2013

Will vs Would

English Grammar: Will vs Would with Great Examples

Will vs Would I MyEnglishTeacher.eu 
Will vs Would
Would and will are both modal verbs.
Will is used in future structures.
1. Statement referring to the future – fact, timetable, etc.
Examples: We’ll (= we will) have two extra lessons this afternoon.
It will be Tuesday tomorrow.
Their bus will leave at 7.30.

2. Instant decision
Examples: The phone is ringing, I’ll go and answer it.
What will you eat? I’ll have roast beef.

3. Request
Examples: Will you tell your father that we expect him for dinner?
Will you copy this file and print it for yourself?

4. Promise, offer, prediction
Examples: I will always love you.
Can’t you do your homework? Don’t worry, I’ll come and help you.
Don’t trust her, she will always tell you lies.

5. Open condition
Examples: We’ll go fishing at the weekend if the weather is good.

1. Would is the past form of will
Examples: Peter said he would finish the work the next day. (future in the past or reported speech)
She said she would write me soon. (reported speech)
He hoped I would come.

2. Would refers to half-open or closed condition as an analogue of will.
Examples: We would go fishing at the weekend if the weather was/were good. (half-open condition)
We would have gone fishing at the weekend if the weather had been good. (closed condition)

3. When both will and would can be used, would is more polite.
Examples: Would you do me a favour, please?
I’m cold here, would you mind closing the window?

4. Other typical examples with would
Would you like a sandwich? (offer)
I’d (I would) like to have some cream with the cake. (request)
I’d like to learn English very well. (wish, plan)
It’s quite late, I’d rather have a cup of tea than coffee now. (preference)
I would rather not go to that part of the town in the dark. (preference)
When we were kids, we would hang around the playground every afternoon. (repeated action in the past)

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