
Κυριακή 31 Μαρτίου 2013


Thesaurus-Synonyms- RELEASE

'release' verb to allow someone or something that is held, captured, etc., to be free or move freely again: The animals are nearly ready to be released into the wild. * αφήνω ελεύθερο, (απ) ελευθερώνω, απαλλάσσω, αποδεσμεύω

[deliver] (literary) to save or rescue someone from something bad: ‘Deliver us from evil’ is a line in the Lord’s Prayer. * (δια)σώζω, απαλλάσσω, (απο)λυτρώνω, γλιτώνω

[discharge] to officially allow a person to leave a hospital or the army, air force, etc.: The patient was discharged from hospital.
* απαλλάσσω (καθηκόντων κτλ.): απολύω (μετά την άρση υποχρέωσης κτλ.): απαλλάσσω της υποχρέωσης παραμονής π.χ στο στρατό ή σε νοσοκομείο

[emancipate] (formal) to free someone from slavery or a similar condition: An Act of Parliament was passed emancipating all the slaves in British territories. * χειραφετώ, απελευθερώνω π.χ από τη σκλαβιά ή παρόμοια κατάσταση

[free] to release a person or animal that is in captivity, to release something that is held, tied, or stuck, or to remove a restriction or burden from someone: I managed to free my right arm and then tried to untie the ropes that were binding my legs.
* (απ) ελευθερώνω, προσφέρω την ελευθερία: απαλλάσσω από κατοχή ή δουλεία, λυτρώνω, απαλλάσσω (από αρνητικά στοιχεία, βάρη, υποχρεώσεις κτλ.): απεγκλωβίζω: απαγκιστρώνω, ξεσκαλώνω

[let go] to stop holding or gripping something, or to release someone or something: Let go of my arm – you’re hurting me.
* απολύω, αφήνω, κν. ξεγραπώνω

[liberate] to release someone who is a prisoner or slave, or to enable a country or area that has been under the control of an enemy to govern itself again: This was one of the first villages to be liberated when Allied forces landed in France.
* (απ) ελευθερώνω, (απο) λυτρώνω έναν φυλακισμένο ή δούλο ή μια κατακτημένη χώρα

[set free] to release a person or animal that is in captivity: The hostages begged their captors to set them free. * αφήνω ελεύθερο άνθρωπο ή ζώο σε αιχμαλωσία

[unleash] (usually used figuratively) to allow something violent that has previously been restrained to operate with full force: The government’s attempt to impose new taxes unleashed a storm of protest. * εξαπολύω (βίαιη ενέργεια που καταπνιγόταν)


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