Thesaurus-Synonyms - INCOME
'income' noun money that you receive from any source, for example
from working or investments, and that you live on: Families on a low
income are entitled to state benefits.
* εισόδημα, πρόσοδος
[commission] a sum of money that a salesperson earns for every sale
that they make: She has no salary, but works for a commission on all the
goods she sells. * οικον. ποσοστό προμήθειας αντιπρόσωπου ή μεσίτη,
εμπορική προμήθεια
[earnings] money that you receive in return
for work: He gives a percentage of his earnings to charity. * απολαβές:
εισπράξεις, (εισπραττόμενα) κέρδη: αντιμισθία, αντιπαροχή
[pay] the money that an employer gives you in return for the work you
do: I have had money taken off my pay because I was late one day. *
αντιμισθία, μισθός, αποζημίωση από εργοδότη σε εργαζόμενο
[profits] money that you make from a business, selling something, etc.,
after costs have been deducted from the whole amount that you receive:
Profits are down on this time last year. * κέρδη από επιχείρηση, οφέλη
μετά την αφαίρεση τυχόν ζημιών
[salary] the money that you
earn by working in a professional position or an office job, which is
usually paid monthly: Denis’s salary as a bank manager is enough for the
family to live on.
* μισθός, αποδοχές, συνήθως σε μηνιαία βάση
[takings] money that is made on sales in a business such as a shop or a
pub: Our takings have gone up over the last few weeks. *
(πραγματοποιηθείσες) εισπράξεις πωλήσεων π.χ. από κατάστημα
[wages] the money that you earn as an ordinary worker in, for example, a
factory or shop, which is usually paid weekly: I couldn’t afford to buy
a house on my shop assistant’s wages. * τακτικός (συν. εβδομαδιαίος)
μισθός, (τακτικές) απολαβές, αποδοχές
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