
Κυριακή 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Making comparisons in English

Making comparisons in English
Making comparisons in  English
- My exercices are as difficult as yours.
- The lecture in German wasn’t as easy to understand as the one in English.
- It seems less interesting than at the beginning.
- The United States is twice as big as Spain.
- The cost would be much higher than than.
- She’s much more sensible than her old sister.
- It would be worse than that if you were dismissed.
- Don’t you have anything better?
- Such qualities are more and more difficult to find, nowadays. Do you agree?
- Believe me, you look younger and younger!
- It is true, her figure is less and less elegant.
- The higher the prices are, the more difficult it is for us.
- The more I insist, the more he refuses.
- The less you speak to him, the less he shows off.
- The former was good, and the latter was excellent.
- He is the tallest boy in the family.
- The most expensive clothes are sold there.
- It would probably be the least interesting.
- By comparison, it’s cheaper.
- Compared to my mother-in-law, she is very understanding and trustworthy.
- She acted as if she didn’t understand.
- Your little brother behaves like a fool!
- I don’t know, it’s just the same.
- You aunt thinks like me, and I think like her.
- These two beautiful koalas look exactly the same, don’t they?
- I can’t see the difference between the two elephants.
- Her children look exactly like her.
- She’s the very picture of her mother when she was young.
- They are very much like one another.
- They are very much alike.
- I can’t distinguish between the two.
- It smells like Mexican food.
- It tastes like pudding.
- Her english is getting better, but she sounds like an Irish.
- It’s shaped like a tube.
- My life in Portugal is similar to what it was in Italy.  

- There isn’t much difference.
- We have the same expectations as yours.
- She bears no resemblance to her mother.
- He looks totally different from what I had.
- It’ funny how different they are from each other.
- She can’t compare with your sister.
- There’s no comparison between the two methods.
- If you compare the two, you’ll see the difference!
- We have very little in common!

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