
Σάββατο 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Different Ways To Say - "Now" - Idioms & Clauses

Different Ways To Say - "Now" - Idioms & Clauses:

Right Away - I will come over right away.

Immediately - Please call the doctor immediately!!!

In A jiffy - I will do my homework in a jiffy.

Forthwith - Everyone get started forthwith.

Instantly - The microwave warms up food instantly.

This Minute - I am very busy, and I can't call you this minute.

Any Minute – The train will be here any minute.

Straightaway – The boss will take care of the problem straightaway.

Straight Off – My teacher told us straight off that the class is going to be hard.

Right Now – Right now we are going to the doctor, and then we will see how you feel.

On The Double – OK, I want everyone to go home on the double(quickly).

At The Moment – At the moment the children are sleeping.

First Off – First off,I want to start by thanking everyone for coming to this meeting.

Just Now – Just now, I just received a phone call from Lori's teacher.

At Once – Let's get this party started at once.

Pronto – The girls will be here pronto.

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