
Τετάρτη 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

Asking for a favour

Favours in English

please, do me a favour
Favours in English
  • Asking for a favour
- Could you do me a favour, please?
- Would you mind doing me a favour?
- Could I ask a favour of you?
- Could you help me with this, please?
- Could you hold this for me, please?
- I was wondering whether you could write me a recommendation letter?
- Could you lend me a hand with this, please?
- Have you got time to help me solving this math issue?
- If it’s not too much trouble, could you ask her for me?

  • Preparing to ask for a favour
- Are you free on Sunday? It’s just I need someone to babysit my two-years-old daughter Emma.
- Are you busy this week? I’ve got to finish this project and I need you experience.
- I’ve got to move house this week, I don’t suppose you could help me out.
- About that favour you owe me, could you take care of my sister?
- I am not very good at this, could you handle it?
- I need to call in that favour I did for a while ago.
- You know a lot about computer programming, don’t you? Could you show me some of your code sources?
- You’re perfect at this, could you help to understand what’s the difference between the passive and the active voice?
- I know this might sound a bit cheeky, but could you tell your husband to forgive me about what happend yesterday?
- You’re strong, aren’t you? Could you help me move this heavy piece of furniture from there?

  • Thanking someone
- Thank you so much!
- You’ve saved my day.
- Thanks a million.
- You’re a true friend.
- I really owe you one.
- I’ll buy you a drink sometime.
- I’ll return the favour one day.
- I’ll do the same for you one day.
- You’re an absolute lifesaver!

  • Agreeing to do someone a favour
- OK. No problem.
- Yes, I could help with that.
- No problem at all.
- Of course! what can I do for you?
- It would be a pleasure.

  • Saying no
- Actually, I’m a bit busy this week.
- I’m afraid I’ve got to go to a wedding.
- I’m sorry but I can’t because my little brother will visit me and I need to pick him up from the airport.
- I’m not available on Monday. It’s the beginning of the week, you how busy it is.
- I’d like to be able to help you but my father won’t let me stay with you tonight, especially tonight.
- When was the last time you ever did anything for me?
- No, I don’t think so!
- No!
- No way!
- I won’t help you out, forget it!

from: http://englishlearningbox.com/speaking/favours-in-english/

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