
Σάββατο 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

Invitations in English

Invitations in English | English Learning Box

  • Inviting someone

- Would you like to come too?

- Do you want to join us?

- The party has just begun, why don’t you stay?

- What about going to that wedding party?

- it has been a while since we last met. Why not have dinner together?

- How about Saturday night?

- Let’s share the meal!

- Would you enjoy going to that concert?

- Do you fancy going to that show?

- Shall we go?

- Do you feel like having a drink out?

- What if you spent the whole weekend with us?

- Do you know what? You could stay here!

- Come on! You know you’re welcome among us.

- It would be a pleasure if you came!

- We both hope you’ll be able to come.

- We’d be so happy to welcome you in our country house!

- Would you love to come over for launch?

  • Accepting an invitation

- Yes, of course!

- Yes, for sure!

- Yes, I’m free tonight.

- Yes, I will.

- Yes, with pleasure!

- Yes, it will be a big pleasure!

- That would be nice. Thanks.

- It would be a pleasure for me too.

- Yes, I’d love to!

- I’m sure I’ll enjoy it!

- Of course, I don’t mind having a drink here.

- Sure, I won’t miss your baby shower party.

- Oh thank you, it’s very kind of you!

- Thank you very much for your invitation.

- I’m looking forward to seeing you next Sunday.

- What time does your play start?

- Yes, I’ll come, it sounds like fun. Thanks for inviting.

- I would be so glad to have you as my Facebook friend.

  • Refusing an invitation

- No, thank you.

- I’m sorry but I can’t accept.

- I’m so sorry. I have other plans.

- I’d like to, but I can’t stay.

- I’m afraid I’m not free tonight.

- Sorry, I’m already booked up.

- I’m sorry but I’ve promised to go to the cinema with my wife.

- My parents won’t let me go out.

- I’m afraid I won’t be allowed to stay. You know my mother, she’s very conservative.

- Unfortunately I have to refuse.

- I’m afraid none of the dates suit me.

- I’m engaged with other appointments.

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