
Σάββατο 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2014


 Greek verses in the London Underground

Verses of Sappho will be heard on Thursday night at the Keats House museum during the inauguration of the event «Greek Poems on the Underground».
Between now and early April, six posters with verses from seven poems will be put up in London’s subway system, while the poems will also be posted on hundreds of trains, with millions of passengers able to read them in English.
The event is part of the activities for the Greek EU Presidency, in cooperation with the Greek Embassy in London and the Hellenic Foundation for Culture.
The Keats House was the home of the great British Romantic poet John Keats (1795-1821). During the event, the poem of John Keats dedicated to Homer but also the composition of his great friend Lord Byron devoted to the islands of Greece along with verses by Nikos Gatsos, Constantin Cavafy and lyric poet Anyte (3rd century BC) will also be heard.
source: ΑΜΝΑ

The poems’ subject matter ranges from love and the natural world to myth and history, with the Greek verses translated into English and presented in a bilingual form.
 The poems were selected by the writer Judith Chernaik and the poets Gerard Benson and Cicely Herbert.
- See more at: http://www.lgr.co.uk/news/greek-poetry-on-the-tube/#sthash.C47yVN1q.dpuf
The poems’ subject matter ranges from love and the natural world to myth and history, with the Greek verses translated into English and presented in a bilingual form.
 The poems were selected by the writer Judith Chernaik and the poets Gerard Benson and Cicely Herbert.
- See more at: http://www.lgr.co.uk/news/greek-poetry-on-the-tube/#sthash.C47yVN1q.dpuf
The poems’ subject matter ranges from love and the natural world to myth and history, with the Greek verses translated into English and presented in a bilingual form.
 The poems were selected by the writer Judith Chernaik and the poets Gerard Benson and Cicely Herbert.
- See more at: http://www.lgr.co.uk/news/greek-poetry-on-the-tube/#sthash.C47yVN1q.dpuf

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