
Πέμπτη 3 Απριλίου 2014

writing letters FORMAL / INFORMAL

Formal Letters

Formal letters are the most common writing task. Avoid using contractions e.g. “I´m” instead write the full words “I am”. Also avoid colloquial language.

Firstly, you begin your letter with addressing the receiver.

If the receiver is unknown:
- Dear Sir/Madam
If the receiver is known:
- Dear Miss Adams

Secondly, first sentence in the letter is about WHY you are writing, examples:
- I was extremely distressed to hear about your plans to ... (Object to someone´s plans)
- I am writing to complain about / I am writing to tell you how disappointed... (Letter of Complaint)
- I am writing to you on behalf of ... (Letter of Recommendation)
- I am writing about the article published in / I have just read your article on... (Letter to de editor)

Thirdly, during the main part of the letter you will try to connect your arguments together. Using paragraphs when appropriate, and logically connecting all of the elements in your letter using connecting words and/or sequencing:
At first / To start with/In the beginning, in addition / furthermore / moreover, firstly / secondly / lastly etc.

Then, ending phrase prior to signature (just a few suggestions):
- I look forward hearing from you / I trust you will give my proposal your full consideration

Finally, signature is in general one of the two:
- Yours sincerely, (If you know the name of the person you sent the letter to)
- Yours faithfully, (If you started the letter with Dear Sir/Madam)

Informal Letters

Informal letters are less common. When writing informal letters be aware that there are differences whether we are talking about a letter to your closest friend, or whether the letter is to your friend´s mom. Common is, however, that you will try to use language very similar to spoken language.

Firstly, you have a friendly form of addressing the letter:
- Dear Mark, / Hi Katie,

Secondly, first sentence refers to last correspondence or is a general statement and not a summary of what you are going to write about. Some eamples:
- Thanks for your letter, it was great to hear from you...
- Just thought I´d drop you a line...

Thirdly, in a “real” informal letter you might waste time talking about the weather. In the CAE exam you have, however, limited space and time so just try to get to the point, connecting your arguments with informal language. Examples could be:
- You asked me about...
- As for ...
- What´s more ...
- Mind you, ...
- Having said that ...

Then, ending phrase prior to signature (just a few suggestions):
- Get back to me quickly / Let me know what you think / Can´t wait to see you again

Finally, a friendly informal signature:
- Best wishes,
- Take care,
- All the best


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