Τρίτη 15 Ιανουαρίου 2013


Thesaurus-Synonyms - GATHER

'gather' verb to come together, or to bring people or things together: A small crowd gathered round the speaker. * μαζεύω-ομαι, συγκεντρώνω-ομαι, συνάζω -ομαι

[accumulate] to acquire a large quantity of something gradually, or to build up into a large quantity gradually: Over the years they accumulated an impressive art collection. * επισωρεύω, συσσωρεύω, «συγκεντρώνω», συναθροίζω

[amass] to acquire a large quantity of something, especially money, gradually: He amassed a fortune in property development. * συσσωρεύω, μαζεύω, επισωρεύω, π.χ. περιουσία

[assemble] to come together or bring people or things together in an orderly or organized way: When the fire alarm sounded, the staff evacuated the building and assembled in the car park.
* συγκεντρώνω-ομαι, συναθροίζω-ομαι

[collect] to gather, especially to try to acquire a large number of things of the same type that you have a special interest in: Brian collects foreign coins. * συναθροίζω, μαζεύω, συλλέγω, κάνω συλλογή

[congregate] (said about people) to come together in one place: Crowds congregated in the town square to launch the demonstration. * (λέγεται για ανθρώπους)συναθροίζω-ομαι, συνάζω-ομαι

[hoard] to build up a store of something, such as food or money, just for yourself: David is hoarding sweets in a shoebox under his bed. * αποθησαυρίζω, αποταμιεύω, κρύβω, κν. αποχώνω, καταχωνιάζω τρόφιμα ή χρήματα

[round up] (informal) to gather together a group of people: Can you round up some parents to help out on the school trip?
* συγκεντρώνω, (περι)μαζεύω μια ομάδα ανθρώπων

[stockpile] to build up a store of something, such as food or ammunition, for future use: The country has been stockpiling chemical and biological weapons. * δημιουργώ ή συγκεντρώνω (εφεδρικά) αποθέματα


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