Thesaurus-Synonyms-126 - DISAPPEAR
'disappear' verb to cease to exist or stop being visible: Her anxiety
disappeared as soon as she saw that her children were safe.
* εξαφανίζομαι, παύω να υπάρχω, γίνομαι αθέατος
[cease] (formal) to stop occurring or stop doing something: Ten years
have elapsed since the country ceased to be an independent nation. *
παίρνω ή δίνω τέλος, (κατα)παύω: διακόπτω, σταματώ
[die out] to
gradually stop: Interest in the band has died out over the last few
years. * φθίνω, εξασθενώ ώσπου να σταματήσω, αχνοσβήνω
[evaporate] to become weaker and cease to exist completely: His self-confidence evaporated the moment he stepped on stage.
* μτφ. εξανεμίζομαι
[fade] to become gradually weaker: Hopes of finding the missing girl
alive are now fading. * χάνω την έντασή μου, υποχωρώ, μειώνομαι
[melt away] to become weaker or cease to exist: Her anger with her
boyfriend melted away when he apologized sincerely. * μτφ. προσδίδω ή
αποκτώ ηπιότερη διάθεση, επιφέρω ή υφίσταμαι απάλυνση, «μαλακώνω»
[pass] to gradually stop existing: Your uncertainty will soon pass as
you get used to driving on the right-hand side of the road.
* (κατα)παύω, τελειώνω, «περνώ»
[slacken (off)] to become less intense or busy: Business slackened off
after the holiday period. * καθίσταμαι χαλαρός, κν. «λασκάρω», γίνομαι
[vanish] to be no longer in evidence; to stop
existing: When the business tycoon lost all his money, the support of
his friends vanished too. * εξαφανίζομαι, «χάνομαι», γίνομαι αθέατος,
μτφ. εξανεμίζομαι
[die out] to gradually stop: Interest in the band has died out over the last few years. * φθίνω, εξασθενώ ώσπου να σταματήσω, αχνοσβήνω
[evaporate] to become weaker and cease to exist completely: His self-confidence evaporated the moment he stepped on stage.
* μτφ. εξανεμίζομαι
[fade] to become gradually weaker: Hopes of finding the missing girl alive are now fading. * χάνω την έντασή μου, υποχωρώ, μειώνομαι
[melt away] to become weaker or cease to exist: Her anger with her boyfriend melted away when he apologized sincerely. * μτφ. προσδίδω ή αποκτώ ηπιότερη διάθεση, επιφέρω ή υφίσταμαι απάλυνση, «μαλακώνω»
[pass] to gradually stop existing: Your uncertainty will soon pass as you get used to driving on the right-hand side of the road.
* (κατα)παύω, τελειώνω, «περνώ»
[slacken (off)] to become less intense or busy: Business slackened off after the holiday period. * καθίσταμαι χαλαρός, κν. «λασκάρω», γίνομαι «μπόσικος»
[vanish] to be no longer in evidence; to stop existing: When the business tycoon lost all his money, the support of his friends vanished too. * εξαφανίζομαι, «χάνομαι», γίνομαι αθέατος, μτφ. εξανεμίζομαι
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