T hesaurus-Synonyms- DUTY
'duty' noun something that you are obliged to do, often as part of your
work: Ordering stationery for the department is one of my duties. *
(διατεταγμένη) υπηρεσία ή αποστολή, καθήκον: (υπηρεσιακή) βάρδια,
εφημερία, «υπηρεσία»
[assignment] a task that you are given to
do, often as part of your work or studies: We have to hand in our
History assignment tomorrow. * ανατεθείσα εργασία, επιφόρτιση,
εντεταλμένο έργο
[burden] a
responsibility that is difficult to cope with: If Anne gets a part-time
job, it will ease the family’s financial burden a bit.
* άχθος, φόρτος, μτφ. καθήκον, υποχρέωση, ευθύνη, βάρος
[chore] a task that has to be done regularly, especially in the home,
and that you find tedious: Cleaning the bathroom is the least favourite
of my household chores. * καθημερινή, ανιαρή ή κουραστική δουλειά:
δυσάρεστο έργο, «αγγαρεία»
[commission] a job, often something
creative, that someone has asked you to do for them: The artist has a
commission for a set of six paintings for the new concert hall. *
ανάθεση ή εντολή έργου, ανάθεση αξιώματος, εκπροσώπησης ή εντολής
[function] the main duty of a person in a particular job: The function of a teacher is to educate children. * λειτούργημα
[job] a task or duty that you are asked to perform: The old lady next
door wants me to do a couple of little jobs around the house for her. *
θέση απασχόλησης/εργασίας, εργασία, κν. «θέση», πόστο
[responsibility] a task that you must do and that you can be blamed or
punished for not doing: It’s the caretaker’s responsibility to lock up
the building for the night. * καθήκον, φάσμα καθηκόντων, δέσμευση
[task] a piece of work that you have to do: My first task for today is
to weed the garden. * (εντεταλμένο) έργο, αποστολή, (διατεταγμένο)
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