Thesaurus-Synonyms - DIFFERENCE
'difference' noun the fact of being unlike someone or something else: I
can’t tell the difference between the twins. * διαφορά, ανομοιότητα
[contrast] a marked difference between two people or things resulting
from their being opposites or near opposites: The contrast between
yesterday’s wind and rain and today’s bright sunshine is remarkable. *
χτυπητή αντίθεση, αντιδιαστολή μεταξύ ανθρώπων ή πραγμάτων
[discrepancy] a difference between two reports or two sets of figures
that suggests that one must be wrong: There is a discrepancy between the
two boys’ accounts of last night’s events. * (για αναφορές ή στοιχεία)
ανακολουθία, ασυμφωνία, αντινομία, αντίφαση
[disparity (formal)
a point of difference or an inequality between two things: There is
disparity in the earnings of men and women.
* σημείο διαφοράς, ανισότητα
[dissimilarity] (formal) a difference or difference: The
dissimilarities between the two sisters’ characters are more noticeable
than the similarities. * ανομοιότητα, διαφορά
something that enables the difference between two people or things to be
perceived: There is a clear distinction between teasing and bullying. *
αισθητή διαφορά ή αντίθεση
[diversity] the fact of existing in many different forms or of
consisting of many different elements (usually used in serious
contexts): Religious and ethnic diversity enriches the culture of the
nation. * (σε σοβαρά θέματα) ποικιλία, ποικιλομορφία
[variation] a slight difference: We found a variation in prices between the supermarkets. * (ελαφρά) παραλλαγή
[variety] the fact of existing in many different forms or offering a
choice of different alternatives: We have a variety of entertainments on
offer. *απουσία ομοιομορφίας, διαφορετικότητα, ποικιλία
[discrepancy] a difference between two reports or two sets of figures that suggests that one must be wrong: There is a discrepancy between the two boys’ accounts of last night’s events. * (για αναφορές ή στοιχεία) ανακολουθία, ασυμφωνία, αντινομία, αντίφαση
[disparity (formal) a point of difference or an inequality between two things: There is disparity in the earnings of men and women.
* σημείο διαφοράς, ανισότητα
[dissimilarity] (formal) a difference or difference: The dissimilarities between the two sisters’ characters are more noticeable than the similarities. * ανομοιότητα, διαφορά
[distinction] something that enables the difference between two people or things to be perceived: There is a clear distinction between teasing and bullying. * αισθητή διαφορά ή αντίθεση
[diversity] the fact of existing in many different forms or of
consisting of many different elements (usually used in serious contexts): Religious and ethnic diversity enriches the culture of the nation. * (σε σοβαρά θέματα) ποικιλία, ποικιλομορφία
[variation] a slight difference: We found a variation in prices between the supermarkets. * (ελαφρά) παραλλαγή
[variety] the fact of existing in many different forms or offering a choice of different alternatives: We have a variety of entertainments on offer. *απουσία ομοιομορφίας, διαφορετικότητα, ποικιλία
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