Τρίτη 7 Ιανουαρίου 2014

The five paragraph essay

The five paragraph essay | English Learning Box

The five paragraph essay is a composition that has five paragraphs:
  • Introduction
Critique questions can help you evaluate the quality of your introduction:
1- Is the first sentence a general statement about the subject?
2- Is the thesis statement the last sentence of the paragraph?
3- Does the thesis statement contain the three main ideas that support the thesis?
4- Do your sentences flow smoothly from the general statement to the thesis statement?

  • Body
The body consists of three different paragraphs, all of which support your thesis sentence, give reasons, details, examples or evidence. It is recommended to develop a strong topic sentence as the first sentence of each of the three paragraphs. It is important to consider the following:
1- The first paragraph which discusses the first main idea.
2- The second paragraph which covers the second main idea.
3- The third paragraph which discusses the third main idea.

  • Conclusion
The conclusion can be as simple as a restatement of your introduction. It should emphasize your thesis and briefly summarize how you have proven it in the body of the paper. Your paper is cyclical – you end up where you started. You can also use the conclusion to state your own interpretations, to assess and argue with the material you have read, and to point to gaps in our knowledge.

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